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Is it possibile to plot X-Y trend in CODESYS?

  • lukebarber - 2016-01-10

    Is it possibile to plot X-Y trend in CODESYS?

    X is position of axis 1 and Y is position of axis 2.

  • shooter - 2016-01-11

    yes that is possible, however it means a lot of memory has to be used for array, if possible use vectorpoints, it saves on memory, and it is faster.
    It is depending of the precision needed.
    i used a vector array, and the points were connected with a polygonline.
    on the graph i had put 100 points all on same place (with a texteditor, and i can change the relative points with the software.

  • lukebarber - 2016-01-13

    Hi Paul,

    Thanks a lot for your response.

  • shooter - 2016-01-13

    if needed more info, please give more info.


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