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Retain Memory

  • freddyguedezm - 2007-04-26


    I'm working with a XV-230, from Moeller. The target is configured with 100 bytes of retain memory. I would like to push it to 4K, or even more, if this don't harm the controller. My application is very simple, and only uses 1.6 % of 256K.

    Your help is greatly appreciated!.

    Best regards

  • Tisni - 2007-08-16


    I have changed the retain memory of my 750 841 and made it contigious with the INPUT memory location. So far I have had no problems.

    As long as there is no overlapping of the address space and the minimum memory requirements is satisfied for each section of memory there will not be any problem.

    Also overlapping memory areas can be checked in codesys

    Project->Options-> Build


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