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PLCwinNT decrease from 1ms to 250ΞΌs the task cyclic timer ?

  • felanzet - 2015-08-13

    Hi all,

    I want , decrease from 1ms to 250ΞΌs the cyclic timer main task in PLCwinNT version 2.4.
    I possibile and if the answer is yes ...how I can do!!!

    Thx a lot !!

  • shooter - 2015-08-13

    the only way in V2.3 is to use freewheeling, however this will give problems with other tasks.
    communication will slow down tasks.
    try to find a wayto slow down the requirment liike doing different way of control depending on type of operation.
    you can use a raspberry Pi. that is also codesys and 1000 times faster as aPLC


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