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CoDeSys reports libraies changed though none have?

  • Anonymous - 2015-02-03

    Originally created by: Nicolai_Hanssing

    How to tell which library is causing change-notification when I open a project?

    Running on two different computers.
    CoDeSys reports differences in libraires when compiled on one, and opened on hte other.

    So, easy right? I just have to have a mismatch in target or something right?
    But its not so easy
    I have checked EVERY file including the target-directory in:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\3S Software\CoDeSys V2.3\ (This includes the Target)

    Checking was done using a SourceTree application (Mecurial), and also by just comparing a 'DIR /S' dump's - NO files are different except:
    \CoDeSys.ini (And this is just which project was opened last etc).

    ALL other files are identical including all library files.
    I have some libraires in sub-folders of the project, but these are referenced relatively by '.\lib' so they are also the same.

    Any suggestions?

  • shooter - 2015-02-09

    they must be fully identical even the datestamp.

    When i make a system i copy all files (and libs on a stick and put it in the manual.

  • Anonymous - 2015-02-11

    Originally created by: Nicolai_Hanssing

    Well thats the thing - everything is identical - even the file-dates.
    That I have checked with "CompareIt" on the output of DIR /S of the Target, Project and CodeSys directories...

    If I compile on a computer with the change-notification, then it can just go online, so apparently the resulting binarycode is completely identical.....

  • shooter - 2015-02-11

    even if you save the pro file it sees, a change, so first save the file (it is a option before compiling)
    and keep it away from any change. That is only way to be sure.
    as soon as the * is seen on the filename, it can go wrong.
    (same for the libs)


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