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Printing Error

  • karlparr - 2014-10-29

    Hello Everyone

    I'm not sure if this is an ABB error, or CODESYS error, or a combination of the two.

    I'm using CODESYS 2.3 with ABB Control Builder. I have a machine that will print from Control Builder, and anything in Windows, but won't print the program when I'm in CODESYS. It pops up a window saying

    The width or height of the '{Content}' element is too small

    Any idea what this references? As I mentioned, I can print from that machine, just not from CODESYS. The printer driver is up-to-date and I've had no problems with other programs.

    This is on Win 7 Pro, kept up-to-date as well.


  • karlparr - 2014-11-04

    I figured it out, mostly.

    Apparently there was a problem with the default.dfr file.

    When you edit the .dfr file, one of the place holders is {content}, which is the content of the page to print. When {content} was not there, or maybe it was there but was sized too small to be able to print anything, all there is to see is the red background of the page. When {content} is there, you see it as a field in front of the red background.

    I don't know why {content} had been changed in the default.dfr file, but it was fixed when I changed default.dfr to a different file name. I could probably have also gone back to resize the content field and it would also have worked.


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