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ST code indentation

  • hki75 - 2014-08-06

    maybe is a stupid question..but I'd like it should be possible:
    how to get code indentation in codesys 2.3? is it possible? something like this automatically made during code typing?

    IMG: Indentation.jpg

  • shooter - 2014-08-09

    the only thing you can change is autoformat, this will put all commands in capitals.
    when writing i start a new POU in codesys, and then i export it and use the editor notepad++, and here i can format automatic, and edit easier, and after saving the exp file i import it back in codesys. as the declarations are not automatic i have to do it by hand, i just press F11 and work my way until all errors are gone.
    especcially the autofill is very handy, no search for names just type an x and you will get the Booleans, then i for input.


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