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Ethernet Confi

  • mrquespaulo - 2014-07-03

    Hello i have an Overdigit PLC WP240 CPU with EX-1608DD with 15 Digital inputs and 7 Digital outputs, i have it all connected with an ethernet cable , i would like to know how can i configure my PLC .

    The only guides i can find are for RS485 connections

    I am a noob in automation , i had only experience with simatic manager in school .

    Thank You For your time

  • alex87 - 2014-07-07
    1. Install Codesys 2.3
    2. Install your Overdigit PLC target.
      -You have to have a target info file
      -Instal with C:\Program Files (x86)\3S Software\CoDeSys V2.3\InstallTarget.exe
    3. If target succesefuly instaled open new project and configure online parameters for your PLC and you have to know your PLC IP address
    4. Online>Communication Parameters...
    5. Correct configuration should look like (Picture Attached)
    6. Add at least 1 object PLC_PRG, write at least 1 statment. Set task and apend program call PLC_PRG.
    7. Online>Login
    8. Online>Run

    ready to go, you have a lot of work to do...


    IMG: commparams.PNG


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