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Hour Meter of Sorts

  • codesysbob - 2013-12-20

    Does anyone know a way i can keep track of time? I have done many searches and found the RTC function but this is not what i need.

    I need an hour meter which will keep track of ON time which one of my devices are on. Once i shut down the system, i will store this time in a retains.

    I undertand all parts, except the time portion? Any help would be great!

  • shooter - 2013-12-20

    two ways to do this:
    use a timed POU in a task running every second or minute and add one to it in a retained variable

    or have a look in w www.oscat.de w for a lot of functions that can be used in codesys

  • bburgess - 2014-01-13

    Codesys bob,
    Did you get any satisfaction on making a machine run hour meter?
    I take it that you need to start and stop like a stopwatch and reset?
    Started with time() FUNCTION?.

  • codesysbob - 2014-03-13

    I have not had any luck. I even tried making time by using timers but my program is freewheeling so timers wont work as the cycle time is not always the same. I tried the oscat website seen below and cant seem to get it in english. Has anyone else run into this? I simply need to start keeping track of time once a signal i receive goes high.

    Thanks in advance for all replies. I dont want to have to put an old school hour meter in when i have a $5K touch screen which i would think SHOULD be able to keep track of time!!


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