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_ Stuck At 106% on CFC

  • dellae - 2012-11-29

    Codesys & Codesys when in CFC the _ level is stuck at 106%.
    If I try changing the _ level the code is jumbled up on the screen and the display reverts to 106%.
    This bug started with the ABB version and I tried overinstalling the Wago version hoping it would fix the problem.

    I have tried uninstalling, but no use.

    I presume there is a registry entry or hidden file somewhere that is not deleted on uninstall.

    Does anyone know how to resolve this?

  • MusashiAharon - 2012-11-30

    What's the "_ level"? Can you give a screenshot?

  • dellae - 2012-12-01

    Hmm, when I enter "" the system seems to translate it to "".

    "_ level"


  • dellae - 2012-12-01

    this time I will try spelling it with more 'o's and see if it translates.

    "_ level"

  • dellae - 2012-12-01

    something is up with this system, it doesn't like _.

    I'll try spelling it 'z' 'o' 'o' 'm' ans see if it replaces it with a '_'.

  • shooter - 2012-12-02

    yes known problem, but not seen action from office yet.

  • dellae - 2012-12-02

    Do you know what the Registry entrys are for Coesys or hidden files that this is held in??

    I have a number of PCs with Codesys installed and only one is suffering this bug - so it must be in a setting somewhere that is not removed when the program is uninstalled.

    I want to delete EVERY file that is associated with Codesys and try again.

    Thanks for your help.

  • aes - 2013-02-11

    If you change the font of the project you will be able to _:

    Project -> Options -> Editor -> Font
    We use using Courier New 9 pt

    I am not sure (have not checked) what other fonts will work.

    I know Courier does not allow scaling.

  • dellae - 2013-02-11

    Thanks for that - I never would have thought to try that.

    Works for Times New Roman as well.

    Looks like it works for true type fonts.



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