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  • Anonymous - 2005-07-21

    Originally created by: c-hawk

    Hi there,

    I have been using CodeSys 2.3 to download a PLC code to PS10 of Multitron company. The communication is RS232. I have written the code and built it but the download button isnt active. Do I have to initialize the PS10 hardware.

    Also I am not sure if I need additional driver card because there are memory adress assignments in the CodeSys program and I have no idea what they are for. Is it for to use the PC as a PLC?

    Any help about these topics will be wonderful for me.

  • Manfred Werner - 2005-08-08


    you need a target file for the Multiron device.

    This is like a driver telling CoDeSys all the PS10 specific characteristics like "I have a serial port", "I have x bytes of code meory" etc.

    You get the target file from the vendor of the hardware (in your case Multitron).

    I hope this solves your problem.

    best regards,

    Manfred Werner


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