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Codesys 2.3 versus 3.3 - need help

  • dumbmage - 2009-06-18

    Can we open or at least convert ver2.3 projects to ver3.3? is there a tool for this? because when i try to open some old project files with 3.3, i get an error message saying that "the process cannot access the file * because it is being used by another process."

    And i know that there is codesys converter in tools menu of 3.3version but when i open it, nothing happens.

    btw i'm using win vista, could that be the cause of the problem?

    one another thing; i know it is somewhat silly to ask this on this forum but, is the ver 3.3 worth converting all the old files(assuming that i can) ?

  • spfeif - 2009-06-18

    V3.3 and V2.3 are night and day. V3.3 is a completely new framework in which to develop and manage automation applications. This is a computer science decision as well as time/money (those are obvious). I have to assume you are running a Soft PLC. If you are not going to take advantage of the OOP (Object Oriented Programming) and continue to develop in your current framework V2.3 then don't waste your time. Judging by your question you may not understand the changes that took place and if you don't understand or are not going to take advantage of them then again it would be a waste of your time. Has V2.3 been working for you? Then don't waste your time.

    If you have a major need or commitment to upgrade then do it.


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