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CoDeSys Soft-PLC PLCWinNT for Vr 3.5

  • Tressuretm - 2019-10-24

    Hi all.

    i need advice. i have an application that communicates to CoDeSys V2.3 Via opc using Soft-PLC PLCWinNT only. but i want to use Codesys Vr3. is it possible to load Vr3 program into Soft-PLC PLCWinNT? if not, is there a target package that i can install into codesys vr3 that can run PLCWinNT instead of control V3?


  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2019-10-24

    I think this should work with not that much effort -
    Just Import the PLCWinNT Project to CODESYS V3 (you need for the the import the CODESYS V3 32Bit version)
    Depending on which IO devices are involved ( which fieldbus) It is more or less effort then.
    But anyway I would just motivate to change the communication to OPC UA then.



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