Copying Communication Parameters across clients

  • plcguy123 - 2018-04-17

    Relatively new to Codesys and Wago. I am using Codesys 2.3 with Wago PLC's on ethernet, and I have setup all of my devices using my Client in the communication parameters.

    So how can I copy those to other Clients, so I do not have to retype in all of those IP addresses on each Client?

    ...or am I going about this the wrong way? (it seems that if I wanted to upload, I need the communication parameters and channels configured, so I can pick the correct PLC)


  • plcguy123 - 2018-04-25

    Basically, looking for an easy way for driver consistency and updates across PLC clients. I do this with Rockwell RSLinx, and can copy the files across clients so that drivers to devices are consistent.

    In doing some tests I watched for changes to files and the registry as I made updates and added new communication channels, and was unable to see anything changed? Surely it can't just be in memory, as it would be lost on reboot. I must be overlooking it.

    If anyone else has solved this mystery, I would be glad to know!


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