How to Map Arrary of Bool to fixed IEC Address?

  • jzhvymetal - 2012-02-23

    Is there a way to map an array of BOOL to a fixed IEC ADDRESS?

    The following does not work

    myBoolArary AT %MX0.0 : ARRAY[0..15] OF BOOL;

    So Far these are the only combination that I have found to work for fixed memory addressing.

    myBool AT %MX0.0 : BOOL; //Boolean Type
    myInput AT %IX0.0 : BOOL;
    myOut AT %QX0.0 : BOOL;

    myByte AT %MB0 : BYTE; //Byte Type
    mySINT AT %MB0 : SINT;
    myUSINT AT %MB0 : USINT;
    myByteArary AT %MB0 : ARRAY[0..10] OF BYTE;

    myWORD AT %MW0 : WORD; //16 bit types
    myINT AT %MW0 : INT;
    myUINT AT %MW0 : UINT;
    myWordArary AT %MW0 : ARRAY[0..10] OF WORD;

    myDWORD AT %MD0 : DWORD; //32bit Types
    myDINT AT %MD0 : DINT;
    myUDINT AT %MD0 : UDINT;
    myReal AT %MD0 : REAL;
    myDwordArray AT %MD0 : ARRAY[0..10] OF DWORD;


  • kberlin - 2012-02-23

    Keep in mind that a variable of type BOOL uses 8 bits of memory space.

    But to answer your question. You can declare the variable as

    myBoolArary AT %MB0 : ARRAY[0..15] OF BOOL;

    But then you have an array that takes up 16 bytes (16*8 bits) of memory.

  • jzhvymetal - 2012-02-23

    When trying to use it with my PLC Controller I get:

    Bad declaration, use '%MX' for 'BOOL' variable

    With CoDeSys_SP_Win PLC it works correctly.

    Is there a way to bit align the array. Meaning

    myWORD AT %MW0 : WORD;
    myBoolArray AT %MB0 : ARRAY[0..15] OF BOOL;

    myBoolArray[0] would equal myWord.0 would equal %MX0.0
    myBoolArray[1] would equal myWord.1 would equal %MX0.1
    myBoolArray[2] would equal myWord.3 would equal %MX0.2
    myBoolArray[3] would equal myWord.4 would equal %MX0.3
    myBoolArray[4] would equal myWord.5 would equal %MX0.4
    myBoolArray[5] would equal myWord.6 would equal %MX0.5
    myBoolArray[6] would equal myWord.7 would equal %MX0.6
    myBoolArray[7] would equal myWord.8 would equal %MX0.7
    myBoolArray[8] would equal myWord.9 would equal %MX1.0


    Related 1 2 3 5 7 8

  • kberlin - 2012-02-23

    Check the PACK and UNPACK functions in the UTIL library.

  • jzhvymetal - 2012-02-23

    PACK/UNPACK will not work for what I am trying to accomplish. I use a HMI that uses the symbol configuration. This allows the HMI to use variable names instead of fixed addressing. The problem comes when you have to address a single bit inside the HMI. It can not directly address the bit directly in the variable name. This is why a Boolean array works great. The other reason is the following Example below.

    For Example if you can bit align the bool array then you could write the following:
    myBoolArray AT %MB0 : ARRAY[0..15] OF BOOL; //If it mapped the array %MX0.0 to %MX1.0
    myWORD AT %MW0 : WORD;

    myWord:=0; //Resets all bits in the Array
    myWord:16#FFFF //Set all bits in the ARRAY
    myWord:=myWord AND 16#FF00; //Mask the lower byte
    myWord:=myWord AND 16#00FF; //Mask the Upper byte
    myWord:=myWord XOR 16#FFFF; //INVERT all bits

    I know you can accomplish this by remapping the bits into the Array but that makes the variable work in one direction. Thus requiring the variables to be (IN or OUT) and not (IN and OUT).

  • jzhvymetal - 2012-02-26

    Not exactly an array but I did find the following how to map a DUT with bitwise alignment. Unfortunately you have to define a new structure for each instance.

    TYPE my16bitDUT :
    BIT00 AT %MX0.0 : BOOL; //Boolean Type
    BIT01 AT %MX0.1 : BOOL;
    BIT02 AT %MX0.2 : BOOL;
    BIT03 AT %MX0.3 : BOOL;
    BIT04 AT %MX0.4 : BOOL;
    BIT05 AT %MX0.5 : BOOL;
    BIT06 AT %MX0.6 : BOOL;
    BIT07 AT %MX0.7 : BOOL;
    BIT08 AT %MX1.0 : BOOL;
    BIT09 AT %MX1.1 : BOOL;
    BIT10 AT %MX1.2 : BOOL;
    BIT11 AT %MX1.3 : BOOL;
    BIT12 AT %MX1.4 : BOOL;
    BIT13 AT %MX1.5 : BOOL;
    BIT14 AT %MX1.6 : BOOL;
    BIT15 AT %MX1.7 : BOOL;

    my16bit: my16bitDUT ;
    myWORD AT %MW0 : WORD; //16 bit types

    NOW the following works
    myWord:=0; //Resets all bits in the Array
    myWord:16#FFFF //Set all bits in the ARRAY
    myWord:=myWord AND 16#FF00; //Mask the lower byte
    myWord:=myWord AND 16#00FF; //Mask the Upper byte
    myWord:=myWord XOR 16#FFFF; //INVERT all bits

  • tjarcoboerkoel - 2017-04-03

    Hi all,
    Well I've also tried something like that:

    TYPE t16bitDUT:
    BIT00 : BOOL; //Boolean Type
    BIT01 : BOOL; //Boolean Type
    BIT02 : BOOL; //Boolean Type
    BIT03 : BOOL; //Boolean Type
    BIT04 : BOOL; //Boolean Type
    BIT05 : BOOL; //Boolean Type
    BIT06 : BOOL; //Boolean Type
    BIT07 : BOOL; //Boolean Type
    BIT08 : BOOL; //Boolean Type
    BIT09 : BOOL; //Boolean Type
    BIT0A : BOOL; //Boolean Type
    BIT0B : BOOL; //Boolean Type
    BIT0C : BOOL; //Boolean Type
    BIT0D : BOOL; //Boolean Type
    BIT0E : BOOL; //Boolean Type
    BIT0F : BOOL; //Boolean Type

    MY16bDUT AT %MW0 : t16bitDUT;
    But this does also not work..

    Maybe it works as:
    bits: t16bitDUT;
    all AT %MW0 : WORD;

    or maybe as:
    TYPE u16bitDUT
    bits: t16bitDUT;
    all AT %MW0 : WORD;

    MY16bDUT AT %MW0 : u16bitDUT;

    I'm, not sure..


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