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wago 750-841 webvisu not loading

  • beardybloke - 2011-03-16

    Hello out there.
    I'm fairly new to Wago and Codesys. have been running code on PLC and has been fine. but recently altered code and reloaded with difficulties. Now when I run plc via "Explorer" the Java screen loads but then get "Error click here for details" in top left hand corner. I can access the Webbased management screen. I have already tried formatting PLC and extracting to clear it and start afresh but this has not resolved the issue

    Any suggestions?

    Ideally would like to wipe and reload all code on to PLC. (have already done that with Codesys to no fix)
    The Wago Ethernet code does work so it is talking via the cable.

    ALL fixed but I do not know how?

  • Cyril - 2011-03-21


    Do you have acces to the web configuration interface of your Wago ?

  • shooter - 2011-03-22

    is the switch webvisu on?
    do you have a new JAVA on your computer there is a relation between codesys version and a java version.
    ask supplier for new codesys version.


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