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Save value from visu directly to PC?

  • ilie.c.lucian - 2013-02-01


    I have a PLC and a PC connected to it via serial interface.
    Is there any way that I can save a value from the Codesys Visualization directly on the PC (not on the PLC)? Can I do it by making use of some ActiveX functionality or some other way? How?

    Thank you,

  • shooter - 2013-02-01

    if you use the simple serail connection nd you have a codesys running on the PC you can use DDE
    if not then you have to use OPC.


    JAPIB - 2013-02-02

    You can use Watch and recipes manager (from Ressources).
    With the recipe manager you can save/restore value in a file on the PC.
    You can use it from the Codesys Visualization by using a button with "Execute Program" .

    Best regard

  • ilie.c.lucian - 2013-02-05

    Thank you for your answers, Shooter and Japib.

    Shooter, I am not that familiar with DDE and I read in the Codesys manual that you have to configure the GatewayDDEServer. Also, it says that the DDE interface becomes active when you login. But how can I acquire a PLC value and append that value in a file?

    Japib, your solution seems to work. Thank you for your insight.

    But what I am trying to do is some kind of sampling archive. I want to keep adding PLC values into a file on the PC, directly from the Codesys visualization, at certain times during the day, automatically.
    I cannot use recipes, as I have to manually save to file and I cannot append values. Or maybe I don't see it right.
    Do you see a way to do this?

    Sorry for not being specific the first time and thank you for your patience.


  • ilie.c.lucian - 2013-02-06

    It seems that I have overlooked the history functionality provided by the trend element in the visualization.

    I can save the trend in a TRD file on my PC and the open it with Notepad.




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