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Search and replace doesn't work in visualation object?

  • con2827 - 2016-11-13

    I've duplicated a group of graphic objects, and need to make the same change to all variables in the duplicated objects -
    i.e., change Array[1] to Array[2]
    Then duplicate again, and search/replace Array[1] to Array[3], and so on.

    When I select 'Selection Only' and click 'Replace All' it tells me, 'Search scope 'selection only' is not supported for this editor'.

    So I then select 'Active Editor' and 'Find Next' then 'Replace', I get the error msg: 'Value cannot be Null. Parameter name: stBlock'

    So what is the proper way to do this? Am I missing something?



    Talk.ru: 1
    Talk.ru: 2
    Talk.ru: 3

  • AlexD - 2016-11-20

    you need to expand group and select all elements you need to replace

  • con2827 - 2016-11-22

    Thanks for your reply. Can you elaborate on 'you need to expand group'? What does that mean?

  • AlexD - 2016-11-26

    Just select all object you need

    IMG: Capture.PNG


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