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    JAPIB - 2015-11-19

    I use CODESYS V3.5 SP7 Patch 3

    I've got 2 visualization problems.

    1Β°) First problem :
    I drew a SFc Module called SFC1. The initial step is called Init.
    I then use the 'Generate SFC Visualization' command. I got a visualization called SFC1_SFC_VISU.
    When I look at how the first step is animated I found :
    {implicit on} SFC1.SFCCurrentStep = '' OR SFC1.SFCCurrentStep = 'Init' {implicit off}
    And for the animation of the transition :
    {implicit on} SFC1.Init__to__Step0{implicit off}
    It works well.

    But if my firts setp (the initial one) is not called Init, but ST0 for example :

    For the animation of this first step we have :
    {implicit on} SFC1.SFCCurrentStep = 'ST0' {implicit off}The test blank value does not exist.
    So when I start the controller that first step does not change color.
    If I manually added "SFC1.SFCCurrentStep = '' OR " it works.

    And for the animation of the transition :
    {implicit on} SFC1.Init__to__Step0{implicit off}The name of the step does not change in the expression !

    2Β°) Second problem
    Even if I use sep name Init, Step 0, Step1 for a little sfc test.
    When I transfert the project into the PLC (I use CODESYS Control ...) I get 1 error for each tranisiton :
    Invalid expressions {implicit on} Grafcet1.Init__to__Step0{implicit off} configured ; Invalid expression
    Invalid expressions {implicit on} Grafcet1.Step0__to__Step1{implicit off} configured ; Invalid expression
    Invalid expressions {implicit on} Grafcet1.Step1__to__Init{implicit off} configured ; Invalid expressionI can run my program, but none changes color when the SFC is changing.

    Thank you in advance for your answers.
    Best regard

  • Ralph Holz - 2015-12-07

    Hello Joel,

    I faced same Problem. Just enable in the properties of your SFC the SFCCurrentStep and it will work!


    IMG: 07


    JAPIB - 2015-12-08

    Hello Ralph
    I am glad for your answer !
    You're right, it works better, but a small problem persists :
    Instead of : {implicit on} SFC1.SFCCurrentStep = '' OR SFC1.SFCCurrentStep = 'ST0' {implicit off}
    I get : {implicit on} SFC1.SFCCurrentStep = 'ST0' {implicit off} The test blank value still does not exist, and this step is not coloured at the start of the PLC.

    But everything else works well.

    Bests regards


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