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First steps in visualization with CoDeSys V3.5

  • mjfdassen - 2015-10-07

    Hello There,

    I'm a teacher who wants to make the switch from a brand-dependent to a brand-independent programming language. I have chosen CoDeSys just for that. Now I downloaded CoDeSys 3.5 and tried out the simple steps as described in this 7 minute video:


    E.g. defining an input and connected output and attach a bulb and switch to them. I made a build, put CoDeSys in Simulation mode and ran the program: it doesn't work No matter what I try or change, I can't get it to run. I get the error messages as displayed in the screenshot. What am I doing wrong?

    It looks so easy in the video...

    Thanks in advance and greetings from the Netherlands,


    IMG: screenshot.png


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