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Raspberry Pi 3 Model B support

  • rahullankala - 2017-03-24

    I have been working on a project where i need to connect Raspberry Pi to codesys.

    My old Raspberry pi 2 seems to work fine with codesys. Recently i bought a new Raspberry pi 3. I tried to update the Pi with codesys runtime, but i get an error saying that "connection could not be established to RPI, target computer rejected to connect"

    Is there anything that i am not aware of?

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2017-03-24

    you need to enable ssh on the current sd Image.

    this is new you need to activate ssh if you use current SD Image from RaspberryPI.org

    https://www.raspberrypi.org/blog/page/2 ... bian-pixel



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