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CoDeSys loses connection with runtime

  • Anonymous - 2017-03-16

    Originally created by: Viacheslav Mezentsev

    RaspberryPi B, CoDeSys 3.5.10.x

    Example project.

    You can try keyboard for example (you need to change path, see: ls /dev/input/by-path on your device):

    fileName: string := '/dev/input/by-path/platform-3f980000.usb-usb-0:1.3:1.0-event-kbd';

    Steps to reproduce the problem:

    1. Login and download the project.
    2. Run project.
    3. Logout.
    4. Build/Clean.
    5. Login ... CoDeSys loses connection with runtime.

    Worked with all events and not only with SysFileAsync library (CAA File with the same result).

    So the question: Why CoDeSys 3.5.10.x loses connection in this case?

    How to restore connection:

    sudo /etc/init.d/codesyscontrol stop
    sudo rm -R /root/PlcLogic
    sudo /etc/init.d/codesyscontrol start
  • Anonymous - 2017-03-21

    Originally created by: Viacheslav Mezentsev

    Video: https://youtu.be/bGNL8n5qV64 m

  • Anonymous - 2017-03-21

    Originally created by: Viacheslav Mezentsev

    A temporary solution to the problem. You need to create a global Boolean flag. Use it to free the file handle manually without leaving debugging (assign a hotkey, for example). When the handle is released, you can exit debugging.

    This means that the runtime cannot properly close the handle of such file.

  • Anonymous - 2017-03-25

    Originally created by: Viacheslav Mezentsev

    Undocumented solution (rus).

    There I show a trick which will help to solve this problem, but the runtime developers should not relax and must correct the connection loss bug. I need this not for raspberry pi. This is just an example which works not only for raspberry but for other linux platforms too.


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