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  • o5i - 2016-11-19

    I need to invert the gpio output pins, how can i do this? I tried to enable the "active_low" feature in /sys/class/gpio/gpiopin/active_low
    It works for the value in /sys/class/gpio/gpiopin/value but not for the runtime... How does the communication between runtime and gpio works?
    Is ther maybee a kernal command that works?

  • aso3964 - 2016-12-16

    o5i hat geschrieben:
    I need to invert the gpio output pins, how can i do this? I tried to enable the "active_low" feature in /sys/class/gpio/gpiopin/active_low
    It works for the value in /sys/class/gpio/gpiopin/value but not for the runtime... How does the communication between runtime and gpio works?
    Is ther maybee a kernal command that works?

    Enviado de meu ASUS_Z00AD usando Tapatalk


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