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Controlling stepper motors with SoftMotion

  • MariuszW - 2016-10-19

    I want to contol stepper motor with SoftMotion.
    I found some information that this is possible.
    But I don't know how to do this.
    I want to use GPIO as pulse and direction outputs.
    Could give me some advise how I can solve this problem?

    Thank you in advance

    IMG: stepper motors codesys raspberry pi.jpg

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2016-10-24

    Hello Mariusz,

    doing SoftMotion is possible with Raspberry PI but we do not have a ready to use solution
    for using GPIO's (for example to genearte puls direction).

    The only way at the moment to use SoftMotion and Puls/direction is the use of EL2521 Beckhoff - there is a SoftMotion driver available for these drives.


    IMG: PulsDirSteppers.jpg


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