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Does all programs in a task calls exactly at the same time ?

  • Volvo742 - 2016-07-26

    Does all programs in a task calls exactly at the same time ?
    I have the ability to move a program up and down and that makes me wonder.

  • Anonymous - 2016-08-05

    Originally created by: scott_cunningham

    I was hoping a CoDeSys employee would jump in, but looks like they missed this one.

    My gut feeling is the calls will go in order of the POUs as listed. So if you have a Main Task with POUs 1,2 and 3, then the task will run POU1, then POU2, then POU3. I think this because CoDeSys can run on embedded controllers using an MCU that can't really run multi-threads or anything like a full blown CPU. If someone else has more info, please chime in!


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