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cyclic connection to several modbus slaves

  • MattiasFL - 2016-07-11

    HI again!

    I am trying to communicate to multiple XMC4500 infineon developmentcards through modbus/TCP where they act as slaves to my raspberry pi3.

    Currently I have succeded to establish communication to my soft PLC at my laptop and a XMC4500 at the same time. But when I am adding a second XMC4500 device it can not have connection to both at the same time. Instead it is alternating the connection with a random cyclic behavior where one card have connection at the time.

    I have assigned them with static IP at and

    Is there anyone that has faced a similar problem?


    IMG: codesys_forum.png

  • MattiasFL - 2016-07-13

    I have solved the problem.

    Appearently my XMC4500 was assigned the same MAC addresses. This caused the router to be confused which was which. Buy assigning uniq MAC-addresses for the cards solved everything and now it is running smothly.



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