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How do i measure time in code? I want to use SR04 distance sensor.

  • Volvo742 - 2016-06-08


    I wonder how i can measure time in code. For example.

    time1 := clock time;
    Operation..... or some stuff
    time2 := stop clock;
    time := time2 - time1

    If that is possible, i can use the digital SR04 distance sensor.

    Here is the data sheet about the sensor. Look at the timing diagram.
    http://www.micropik.com/PDF/HCSR04.pdf m

  • frankienones - 2016-06-09

    Maybe like this ?


    Here the result is in time() format


    IMG: Function_Block.png

    FB.txt [851 Bytes]

  • Volvo742 - 2016-06-10

    frankienones hat geschrieben:
    Maybe like this ?
    Here the result is in time() format

    Thank you. I will test it later today and give you a reply.

    Edit: it working.


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