Infra red (IR) receiver.

  • Sancho - 2016-08-26

    Good time of day.
    The situation is this: the Raspberry is connected to peripheral devices via TCP, is physically located on the back of the TV in the living room and connected to it via HDMI.
    Trying to automatically start a local browser - all good.
    I want to change pages with the remote.
    The crux of the matter.
    How to connect IR receiver to CoDeSys. Maybe using LIRC or some other software?
    Libraries probably do not exist.
    (now at RPi LIRC works, but how to associate with CDS).I hope the use of the IR receiver is much wider.
    Sorry for English is translator.

    UPD 30.08.2016.
    Happened to apply the signals from the remote control in the Codesys environment in the form of a boolean.
    Signals only two, so you need a counter and a multiplexer to change the visualizations on the ring.
    Which feature will allow you to take the page title and to change the current visualization are needed?
    What are some other ideas?

  • Sancho - 2016-08-31

    The issue has been resolved.
    The remote control emulates the two keys Left and Right.
    Were studied and subsequently used features: each page has ITS own visualization!!! hot keys.
    They were programmed alternately to the necessary transitions to pages.
    Additional programs used: lirc, irxevent, kweb.
    Raspberry Pi2_B, IR 1838(+3.3v, out-pin11(gpio17)), TV1080+RC...


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