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CANBus Example, reply on remote frame request

  • janjo - 2014-03-11

    First I want to write that the CANBus Example have been very helpful.

    But I have not found out how to make an automatic reply on a remote frame request.

    All help is appreciated.


    Jan-Olof Johansson

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2014-03-12

    you need to setup the receiver for RTR receiving Messages :
    maskConfig : CAN.RECEIVER_MASK := (
    dwIdValue:= 0,
    dwIdMask:= 0,
    xRTRValue:= FALSE,
    xRTRMask:= FALSE,
    x29BitIdValue:= FALSE,
    x29BitIdMask:= FALSE,
    xTransmitValue:= FALSE,
    xTransmitMask:= TRUE,
    xAlwaysNewest:= FALSE);

    either xRTRValue = FALSE and xRTRMask = FALSE  //receive all RTR and none RTRs
    or xRTRValue = TRUE und XRTRMask = TRUE  //receive RTR only

    and then in 'ProcessMessage' check if it is a RTR and react on that.


  • janjo - 2014-03-26


    Thanks for your answer and support, unfortunately it is not enough in my case. I need to set up the CAN hardware to respond automatically to a remote frame request. To let the software detect and react is too slowly. This requirement is beyond my control.

    Best Regards



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