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Devices(controllers) and code

  • DanG - 2015-05-25

    Hi, I am a newbie (not in plc), but have some questions about CodeSys;

    Are there methods/files for importing different types of controller makes into the CodeSys
    editor out of those included in the default downloaded programming-tool? Are they to be found
    with the manufacturer if?
    Any way of importing/convert binary machine code direct from file? (instead of being uploaded)

  • shooter - 2015-05-25

    controller types are called targets and should be available at the manufacturer, as codesys is a piece of software development used by many companies building PLC or controller it even exists for a RPi.

    yes it is possible to include binaries in the code, however it is in V2.3 not easy, in V3 it is better documented, also C can be used.


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