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  • mansoorkhan - 2014-07-15

    hi everybody
    i create a program by codesys i want to simulate this...
    first how can i do ?
    second : i go to online > simulation then online > logit...
    now i want change variable but i do't understand how..?!?
    i write this program by scl language

  • shooter - 2014-07-17

    What is SCL?

    yes you put a check on simulation
    then you go online
    now you can change and check all variables used in program:
    double click on any variable and a popup will appear to change it. (a bool will change status
    then run the program. name your program PLC_PRG (yes i know about tasks but to early to ngin on this.)

    first program in ST:
    it will ask for type use bool (standard so just hit enter)

    run the program and doubleclick on input1


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