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Analogue Output

  • plankipalli - 2013-11-28

    I am using Codesys 2.3 for Wago Controller.Can some one advice me which library to use to unscale the value to analog output module.I am using this software for first time.

    Please reply,

  • hki75 - 2013-11-28

    I also use Wago controllers but I don't know witch library has scaling function.. .
    it's faster if you create a scaling function from your analog out value (%,....) and the "points".. ex: 0-4mA= 0-32767points..

    Made from your own it's like this:

    Out=(OutMax-OutMin) /(InMax-InMin)*(In-InMin))+OutMin

    Or you can find something already done into OSCAT into http://www.oscat.de/ library


  • shooter - 2013-12-01

    in util.lib are several functions for this, i do use oscat for this, most i copy the txt version to keep the program small.

  • plankipalli - 2013-12-02

    Thank you guys.I found scaling block LIN_TRAFO from util.lib.


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