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  • A.Emmerich - 2013-08-21

    Hi All,

    I am attempting to communicate between a RedLion touch panel (G308C2) and a Wago 882 via Modbus-RTU.
    The touch panel is the master and the PLC the slave (via a 750-653 Modbus card).

    Communications is established using the Wago TerminalSlave.lib library and its TERMINAL_MODBUSSLAVE_RTU function block in CoDesSys.

    Now to the question ,
    I have established communications but even with the most trivial of applications I receive an error code from the bERROR output, "INVALID: 204" which I cannot identify in documentation or google.

    I realise that this a bit obscure but if anyone has any ideas I would appreciate it.

    Kind regards,

  • hki75 - 2013-10-18

    I take a look at the Wago docs.. just 0-1-2-3 error codes are foreseen..I used same block some months ago with 758 IPC..I used this settings and it was good:

    EN:=TRUE ,
    bSLAVE_ADDRESS:=104 ,
    cbCOM_BAUDRATE:= 3840,
    cpCOM_PARITY:=0 ,
    csCOM_STOPBITS:= 1,
    cbsCOM_BYTESIZE:=8 ,
    cfCOM_FLOW_CONTROL:= 4, ( 0=no flow control; 1=XON-XOFF 2=RTS-CTS 3=full duplex ; 4=half duplex )
    tTIME_OUT:= ,
    aDATA:=ModbData ,
    xWATCHDOG_OK=> ,
    bERROR=> );

    and call this PRG as fast as possible in a dedicate task(freewheeling) otherwise I get comm very bad and slow.. try this...


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