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Modubus TCP connection affecting EtherCAT running.

  • listenyang - 2013-07-08

    hello, all

    I am facing a problem in v3.5, there is a motor driver connect via EtherCAT slave, and one remote plc via Modbus TCP Slave.
    the EtherCAT is for driving the motor, and Modbus TCP is only I/O exchanging with CoDeSys v3.5.
    problem is:
    The motor was not running smoothly enough(rotating fastly or reversely suddenly), it seems motor was lost some pulses/step sometimes, if I delete the Modbus TCP slave, motor was runing perfectly, EtherCAT seems was affected by Modbus TCP, when I changed Modbus TCP polling cycle time, motor running better.

    can any one gives any tips? I really need some help from you guys now.

    thanks a lot.

  • roychai - 2013-08-25

    Try moving your ECAT processing block onto high priority interrupt? For example in ABB AC500, "Ext CouplerX Hi Priority" would process ECAT blocks at every frame.


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