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Can't connect to WAGO IPC C10E via CoDeSys

  • Yougi - 2013-06-12

    I'm trying to login with WAGO IPC C10E from the CoDeSys IDE to download test project.
    Always pop up message "Communication error (#0)".
    Project is some dummy - PLC_PRG with few rows of code and simple visu with one button - for test only.
    Ethernet cable connected to X8, ( default setting ). Ping ok, ftp ok, telnet ok.
    Communication parameters IP adr port 1200.
    Computer in same network with IP Two devices only in network.
    On K-bus only one DI module 750-430.
    Any ideas to improve situation?

  • shooter - 2013-07-03

    are ethernet settings in controller oke. start ethernet settings separate program from wago, free available on website.
    on 750 series there is a small hatchcover and a switch below. see manual for position of this switch.

  • hki75 - 2013-07-08

    Wago devices need the k-Bus termination module.
    Without it codesys comm do not work.
    The minimum configuration to have online communication via codesys is: CPU + 1module (DI,DO,AI,AO, Serial,...) + k-bus termination



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