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Real to word conversion for analog outputs

  • CME - 2013-06-12

    Most of the libraries for analog processing ( 0-10V, 4-20mA…) are using β€œreal” as output. For an analog output module you need a datatype β€œword”. How can I easily convert real to word?
    Does a library exist with a function REAL_TO_WORD function?

    I think it must be also possible with pointers but have anyone experience with it and/or having a example program?

  • ndzied1 - 2013-06-12

    The standard includes a REAL_TO_WORD() function. You only need to check with your hardware documentation to see what numerical value corresponds to the real world voltage or current signals.

    Usually you perform a scaling function first to create the number you need to send to the analog output, for instance, a 12 bit analog output would likely take numbers from 0 to 4095.

  • shooter - 2013-06-14

    The word output is sometimes strangely formatted.
    but in general the conversion like ndzied tells is working,
    Inputs are sometimes shifted so will need special attention before scaling.

    Have a look at the oscat library with many functions for this.


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