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Is it possible to use CoDeSys library in Visual Studio?

  • UmaA - 2013-06-10

    I am new to CoDeSys; I am working with Festo CPX-CEC C1 terminal. More than one axis is connected to the terminal. My objective is to develop .NET application, provide GUI to control the movement of the axis ( Control and Status parameters).

    Festo has provided motion library (Festo_motion.lib) to control the movement of the axis. As I understand this library is created using CoDeSys. Festo_motion library provides all the I/O control and status for the controller.

    OPC, DDE. modbus tcp/ip are the options suggested to send the commands from C++/.NET application to control the axis. When I worked with OPC, I found out that the feedback (refreshrate) of position value is slow compared to CoDeSys sample visualization project.

    I would like to know whether it is possible to link the library built with CoDeSys in Visual Studio? In other words, Is it possible to create the visualization in C++/.NET and use CoDeSys built library(Festo_motion.library) to communicate with the controller?


  • shooter - 2013-06-11

    see answer in general


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