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#81: Access violation

  • RebootEnTrain - 2011-04-21

    Hi All,

    I am a CoDeSyS V2.3 user and the following error sometimes occurs on my application :
    #81: Access violation in "Access violation Task=PLC_PRG_TASK".

    It is obviously related to memory allocation but I wonder if :
    - a more precise root cause is associated to this error message #81
    - the overall allocated memory in Targer parameters may be involved (not enough memory allocated)
    - there is a tool that would help to determine in which part of the application the error occurs (the error does not occur when I run the application step by step !). PLC Browser may help in this case ?

    Does anybody know ?

    Thanks for your help.

  • efra-mx - 2011-05-12

    i have the same problem, does anybody have any hints??

    Thank you,

  • aslandas - 2012-11-15

    I got the same error message with Error# 151003302, even there is no any explanation about it in help files. maybe codesys programmers do not know what it is.

  • sarathbabu - 2012-11-16

    Hi Guys,

                    Go to online and select show call stack,it shows which part of your code is having problem.Most probably the data type mismatch during can cause this,so check in your programs.

    Have a good day



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