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  • Anonymous - 2017-03-07

    Originally created by: Steffen_R.


    I want to change the "SPS-Einstellungen" -->"Variablen immer aktualisieren". The code is:

    device.driver_info.always_update_variables = AlwaysUpdateVariablesMode.AlwaysInBusCycle
    device.driver_info.behaviour_for_outputs_on_stop = StopResetBehaviour.KeepCurrentValues

    Everythink works except the line in the middle. Is there anything wrong. I can't see a mistake?
    After running the script "disabled" is in the textfield.

    Thanks for the help


  • PLKM - 2017-04-12

    Same here, seems to be a bug.

    Is there already an issue in the JIRA system ?

  • mkeller - 2017-04-12

    Hi Steffen.

    Steffen_R. hat geschrieben:
    Everythink works except the line in the middle. Is there anything wrong. I can't see a mistake?
    After running the script "disabled" is in the textfield.

    Which version of CODESYS did you use?


  • Anonymous - 2017-04-18

    Originally created by: Steffen_R.

    Hi Martin.
    I used Codesys 3.5 SP10 Patch1. I have email contact to the CODESYS Support. They told me that this is a bug and they put it on the list.

    MfG Steffen


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