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Adding IO Module to Kbus

  • WAGOKurt - 2016-09-08

    I would like my python script to add an IO Module (8in/8out) to the k-bus. Here is my code:

    PROJECT = r"C:\Projects\WAGO_Test.project"
    proj = projects.create(PROJECT)
    proj.add("CODESYS_Control_for_PFC200",4096,"0000 0013","")
    found = proj.find('CODESYS_Control_for_PFC200', False)
    device = found[0]
    kbus = device.find('Pfc200Bus', True)[0]
    kbus.add('_750-1506', 288, '0000 0001', '')Β  #Β  Β <-- ERROR HERE

    This gives an error however:
    'Exception was raised: The device cannot be added or inserted here'

    What am I doing wrong?
    What method do I use to add an IO device? (I have tried 'kbus.plug =' and that also did not work.)


  • mkeller - 2016-09-08

    Hi WAGOKurt.

    WAGOKurt hat geschrieben:
    What am I doing wrong?
    What method do I use to add an IO device? (I have tried 'kbus.plug =' and that also did not work.)

    I tried to reproduce your scenario and it seems you forgot to add the module ID.

    kbus.add('_750-1506', 288, '0000 0001', '', '880F_750_1506')



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