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Mitsubishi with Codesys - event triggered

  • rotemse - 2017-04-19

    I am using Codesys V3.5 SP9 on BeagleBone Black with a Mitsubishi A800 inverter with ethercat card.
    In the manual they use EtherCAT master V3.5.3 and it says further on the set the Task to be triggered externally with the event name

    I am using etherCAT master version V3.5.9 and I don't have this option. What can I do?

    attached is the image with the information about this task configuration.

    without this, the ethercat doesn't work.


    IMG: Clipboard01.jpg

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2017-04-20

    this is not possible..to add in beaglebone and even not Raspi.
    It is not needed to do, if you have a rt_preemt pacthed kernel on bbb it is accurate enough even to support
    distributed clocks on ethercat.
    From my point of view really not needed.



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