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Download failed for Missing Devices

  • rmoudy - 2017-03-31

    I am trying to download missing device for a demo project that was sent by a vendor.

    I tried to go directly to the download URL that is shown below but webpage shows a 404 error, meaning the url does not exist or I don't have access.

    How can I go about downloading this missing device?

    IMG: MissingDevice.JPG

  • Lo5tNet - 2017-03-31

    Easiest would probably be to see if the vendor can send you a projectarchive instead of just the project file.

    Or you can ask the vendor for the device file, or look on bosch website to see if they offer a way to download it.

  • rmoudy - 2017-03-31

    I sent an email asking for the projectarchive. I looked all over their website and couldn't find anything related to this specific device to download.

    Thanks though!


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