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  • joppe - 2016-11-16

    Hi! I'm quite new with Wago and Codesys and I have been trying to establish simple communication with WAGO 750-8100 and Siemens PLC.
    I'm trying to read data form S7 datablock using WagoAppSiemensS7Protocol.Fb_DB_ReadWrite witch seems to be really simple, but I'm getting error and i don't know where is the problem.
    Is there anyone familiar with this function block? I am not sure if connection is made because xConnected blinking, should it be always on or is there some timeout? When xDone is set xError is set also so there is some error, but I don't know how to locate cause.

    Is there something to be configured on S7 side. It isn't made with TIA so there shouldn't be DB optimization or protection issues, right?

    IMG: Variables.JPG

    IMG: Fb_DB_ReadWrite_0.jpg

  • merdogmus - 2020-06-11

    check your wCount variable. It is shown as zero.


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