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IO Standard Library

  • Anonymous - 2016-10-29

    Originally created by: ph0010421

    Can someone clarify this for me...

    My target controller has V3.5.7.10
    The version of the Codesys developer I'm using is the latest (

    I've created projects for my target controllers using previous versions, so I think I have all libraries on my pc somewhere.

    If a new user installs developer and sets the compiler version to to create a new project, we see a 'Failed to insert IO Standard library' message. I understand why this happens, and I can fix the problem by giving him a *.projectarchive.
    BUT...should he be able to use the 'Download missing libraries' to fix his problem?

    Thank you

  • Kim - 2016-11-01

    The idea is probably that it should be possible to download but I have had the same issue with the library IODrvEtherCAT.
    The only thing that fixed it was sending the customer a project archive containing the correct version.
    Hopefully a Codesys representative can explain some more.

  • Anonymous - 2016-11-09

    Originally created by: ph0010421

    Kim hat geschrieben:
    Hopefully a Codesys representative can explain some more.


  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2016-11-09

    I agree to Kim.
    If you use Projectarchives instead of projects this will work.
    Sure he could use 'download missing libraries and devices' but I would recomend to use projectarchives to exchanges projects with your customer.

  • Anonymous - 2016-11-11

    Originally created by: ph0010421

    Thanks guys


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