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Declare and dereference pointer of unknown type

  • Kim - 2016-10-11

    I'm making a trace function block meant to be used with our HMI.
    Amongst other things, I need to pass a trigger variable and what to trace.
    The problem is that these variables could be of any base type, unknown to me at design time.

    From my understanding, I can only declare a pointer to a specific base type.
    I could ofc make a struct with one pointer of each base type and then have another variable stating what type is used, but surely there must be a better way of doing this?

    How can I solve this in a nice way?

  • rickj - 2016-10-12

    Create a union of the various pointer types instead of a structure. You may also want to consider using REFERENCE instead of POINTER; it may or may not be easier to use dending on your specific usage.


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