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Program loaded - EXCEPTION

  • robertbeloiu - 2015-08-21


    I have this situation: I have downloaded Codesys 3.5SP7 and installed it following all the indicated steps.
    I have tried to run a very simple program indicated here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2tX6gumm2zg

    When I Build it there are no errors. When I login in Simulation mode I can not simulate the program, as it indicates Program loaded - EXCEPTION.
    I have attached the image of what Codesys indicates.

    Apparently there is an error: Licence File Missing. What should I do about this?

    IMG: codesys error.jpg

  • TimvH

    TimvH - 2015-08-21

    It is not the error which is the problem, but the exception.
    There is an access violation from the visu_task.

    What I would do is, go offline, do a "clean all" and then download the application again. Hopefully this solves it.
    If not, check your visualization.

  • robertbeloiu - 2015-08-21


    Thank you for your answer.
    I have done this few times and have the same reaction.
    Could have any effect the fact that I use Windows 10?

  • davidbruno - 2015-10-27


    thanks for your answer.

    Follow these same steps, but my problem continues, with the following messages:
    "The Visualization could not be registered in the runtime, reason: Internal Error: An invalid external identification was given"
    "The method Connect must not be called on the VisuOnTargetConnectingState"

    Can you help me?

    IMG: Untitled.png

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2015-10-27



    as Compiler define (rightclick on application -> Properties->Built -> Compilerdefine) will solve this.

    This is an accident and does at the moment occure in current Version.
    If you login to Control Win as real plc it does not occure.


    IMG: Compilerdefine.jpg

  • davidbruno - 2015-10-28

    It worked, thank you!

  • Rainbird - 2015-10-29

    Faced the same problem.

    Solution worked for me also.

    Small addition you have to add this with every new project? or can you permanent add this?

  • esse - 2015-11-18

    Works like a charm...but I don't know if it's permanent or not

  • Rainbird - 2015-11-18

    Dear Esse,

    For every new project you have to enter that, but if you have entered it to a project it stays there. If you save and restart the proiject it is still in place
    it works fine for me

  • robertbeloiu - 2015-12-07


    It works fine for me too.

    Thank you.


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