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How to use SysFileOpen function?

  • Anonymous - 2011-04-26

    Originally created by: 8Strings


    I am new to CoDeSys. I am trying to use the function SysFileOpen to open a file, I saw that on the 2.3 versione the usage was:

    SysFileOpen(´filename´, ´access mode´);

    How does it work on the version 3?

    From the documentation I see:

    SysFileOpen(´filename´, ´access mode´, pointer to an error object);

    I was adding the CmpError Library to my project but doesn´t seem to recognize any of the contained error objects declared in there.



  • DaveLuscher - 2011-05-04

    Hi Strings

    Sadly this is a slow forum where I have not got any help in the past. To get the ball rolling here some hints on the SysFileOpen. The third item is a pointer to an error code. e.g.
    rte: RTS_IEC_RESULT; //Error code according to runtime error list
    fh: RTS_IEC_HANDLE; // file handle
    fileName: STRING[63] := '\dir\myfile.bin';

    in code area

    fh := SysFileOpen( fileName, AM_READ, ADR(rte));

    good luck



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