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Windows 7 - 64Bit

  • farrowz - 2010-12-07

    Has anyone had success with running version 3 on a 64bit windows 7 platform? If so, how did you get it to work?

  • TimvH

    TimvH - 2010-12-07

    This is not supported yet, but it works perfect in the Virtual Windows XP mode of Windows 7 (also on 64 bits systems).

  • Igor Petrov - 2010-12-14

    V3.4 SP2 with 64bit support is available for download 14.12.2010

  • ramafun - 2011-03-16

    Is it only about the programming system or does the rte V3.4 SP2 work on windows7 64Bit as well? Because I can't get the service started.

  • TimvH

    TimvH - 2011-03-16

    This is correct. The Control RTE doesn't work yet on 64 bits systems.
    This is scheduled for earliest 2012.

  • Russell - 2011-07-27

    Hi Team,

    Is there any further update on having the bug fixed?


  • TimvH

    TimvH - 2011-08-01

    What bug?

  • Russell - 2011-08-11

    The bug that wont allow it to run on 64 bit!

  • TimvH

    TimvH - 2011-08-12

    In my opinion you can not call this a bug.
    It would be a bug if 3S-Smart Software Solutions would have created a 64bit Runtime, but it doesn't work.
    Now it is a missing feature, which is under development.

  • Russell - 2011-08-12

    Got it...The end result is that it does not work

    Good news is that it runs ok in virtual mode

  • roy.wastie - 2016-12-04

    Does it run on windows 10 64bit?

  • roy.wastie - 2016-12-05

    I only need to use the CodeSYS OPC server on windows 10 64bit. Does it have this in the RTE version?


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