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  • RobiHerb - 2013-08-19

    Wie bekomme ich als potentieller Anwender Informationen, wie man Safety SIL 2 Anwendungen in Codesys ST schreiben kann.

    Ggf. an Hersteller der SPS wenden ist klar, aber wenn da noch keiner ausgekuckt ist?

    Es gibt so etwas wie ein Sicherheits Programmierhandbuch (wohl ein PDF) aber selbst hier in der Suche findet sich nichts (Siehe Anhang)

    IMG: safety.jpg

  • shooter - 2013-08-20

    moeller has 8 lessons

    and you made error in search do not use to many words.
    safety is depending on country and use.

  • TimvH

    TimvH - 2013-08-20

    Very good question.

    I was also searching for this when we developed a Safety training in cooperation with IFM.
    - A good help for you will be the PLCOpen Safety Specifications.
    - In combination with the Norms (e.g. 61508) this will give you certain guidelines
    If required we could give you a training/workshop to develop a CODESYS safety application (V2.3 and/or V3).
    You will get an insight in the norms and regulations (only focussed on application development and not on SIL of PL, because there is enough information about this on the internet).

    You will get an overview of the (PLCopen) function blocks
    You will get to know which levels there are in which you can develop your application
    You will get to know how to use and develop libraries, programs and handle the specific Safety inputs and outputs.

    This will take about one day, depending on your wishes.
    If you are interested, then please send your inquiry to e info@extendsmartcoding.nl e


    Tim van Heijst
    Extend Smart Coding.
    The Netherlands


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