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I present an error: program too large for the controller

  • garageroman2012 - 2013-06-26

    Dear friends

    I am doing an application with CP150 xga tv of WAGO, HMI with PLC
    This is my master, I have comunication with 750-881 where I get the status of my sensors and where I control valves and motors. Unfortunately I finished my program when I simulated my program everything is fine. But when I want to download to my CP panel appears me the Error message "Program too large for the controller".

    I don't know what to do about it , because I already make 3 programs and they presented the same errors...

    For example for my images pipings, tanks I use the kind of file wmf.

    Thank you very much

    Jorge Roman

    IMG: pantallazo.jpg

  • garageroman2012 - 2013-06-27

    Dear Friend, for the people that read my post,

    Thanks to god and my friend Ing. de la Luz From Wago Mexico,

    Finally I found the soluction for my program.....

    The advise that I can tell you is that you have to use a background bitmat, use the kind of file jpeg.

    This to lower the size of the program.

    Well, if you have the same problem, send me a mail.

    IMG: 2013

  • shooter - 2013-06-28

    using jpg is good, when you have repeating things like valves use a visualisation and put one valve in it and reuse the vis.
    check your libraries as they tend to be big, but you only use a portion of it.
    use simpler bitmaps or even just a rotating rectangle for the switch and the emergency button is just a red circle.
    pipings just use rectangles and straight corners.


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