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SHOOTER or anyone else

  • Sryan - 2013-06-06

    If someone has the time to look this over and give me some kind of walk through. I just wrote this and when i put it in my PLC (Compax3) Parker box and run the debugger it only runs one move command. Im trying to figure out why and how so i can solve these problems on my own from now on. Short story is I need a run of 8 iterations followed by a run of 3 iterations followed by 8 iterations followed by 2 iterations. then I need that to equal 1 iteration and i need 3,400,000 of those.
    quick recap of the current problem is I get one move command when i should have like 20. i get no error in debugger it just stops and gives me a green STANDSTILL box. Im looking for someone to help me understand the function and purpose of these type of boxes (37,38,39,40,41 and 42)

    Like I said before I have no training ive been learning on my own from you guys and youtube. just point me in the direction that will help understand the functions and purpose of these boxes i have in my program.

    Work email is e Sryan@harlowair.com e if that makes it easier for anyone.

    I greatly appreciate your time and effort.

    LATitude.pro [38.36 KiB]

  • shooter - 2013-06-11

    Block 9 does everytime a reset so your program will do nothing.

    Your program is done every scan again complete,
    i can not see the complete program as the screen is too complex.
    divide it in some macros and make a sequence for all points in a separate program

    1 make an init program to run once.
    make a sequence program to read and calculate all your data
    make an actual move program set the outputs etc.

    Give us a flowsheet of what you think should happen
    give a description of the machine
    give a description of what the machine should do.


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